Review: SIX the Musical at Aylesbury Waterside Theatre by Lara Wadey

Divorced. Beheaded. Live! SIX the Musical is written by Toby Marlow and Lucy Moss, is a story-telling concert about the six famous wives of Henry VIII. It was first performed in early 2017 in Edinburgh before hitting the London West End and is soon to start a tour of America, before travelling on to Australia.

I’m not going to lie, history was never really my strong point when I was at school. Of course I knew who Henry VIII was, but I can’t say I knew much about his wives and from what I remember, the history of Henry VIII is generally told from a man’s perspective.

I saw a glimpse of these girls on Britain’s Got Talent in 2019 and I remember their performance grabbing my attention so much so that I would rewind it and watch it again and again. So when I heard they were touring and coming to Aylesbury Waterside Theatre I starting counting the days to when I would be reviewing the show.

Now taking Henry out of the equation we can concentrate on his SIX wives. Catherine of Aragon (Lauren Drew) who sounds and looks like a pop star, Anne Boleyn (Jennifer Caldwell) who is full of cheek, and simply hilarious, Jane Seymour (Lauren Byrne) who has the voice of an angel, Anne of Cleves (Shekinah McFarlane) whose stage presence is fab she was full of funk, Katherine Howard (Jodie Steel) who is the pretty one (not that the other weren’t pretty), and Catherine Parr (Athena Collins) who stuns us with her vocals. They are almost a duplicate of  the Spice Girls, something for everyone and a lot of girl power!

These ladies definitely got more of my attention in 75 minutes, than my history teacher got during my GCSE’s at school!  I strongly feel schools should take students to this show for educational purposes.

These Queens have really nailed it, pulling an old timeless story into the 21st-century, almost translating it as to how the youth of today would relate to it. There is even a lot of sisterly sass! (even though they were wives and not sisters).

I guess my only disappointment is how quickly the show went. Every single member of the cast brought something different to the group. It is full of jokes, and upbeat hits. It was clear to see that the girls had a connection to be so in-sync with each other.

The costumes although glamorous and bright also have a hint of Tudor style to keep in with character. The set is basic with the rock-band on stage, but that’s all it needs to be as it is just perfect.

I think SIX the Musical, has changed how Henry VIII might actually be remembered. I will certainly remember Henry now for his brides, or should I say his Queens!!

SIX the Musical runs until Saturday 15th February 2020 at Aylesbury Waterside theatre. Tickets are available from or call the Box Office on 0844 871 7607.

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