Review: La Voix – UK’s Funniest Red Head! At Aylesbury Waterside Theatre by Lara Wadey

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Over the past ten years I have watched La Voix each year in the Christmas pantomime at Aylesbury Waterside Theatre. She has one of those infectious personalities, that make your soul smile. For those of you who don’t know her from panto, you will probably remember her from Britain’s Got Talent or the Ab Fab Movie.

I have seen her show before, but this time I was excited to be able to take my daughter along to review the show. I was looking forward to her reaction as she too, as a child has only ever seen the panto side to La Voix, but now as an adult, I was eager to hear her thoughts.

Naturally as soon as the curtain was lifted, she filled the stage with her presence. Her chat and banter was very quick, as she got the audience involved, keeping jokes very close to the close and maybe crossing that line on occasion. There were two lesbians sitting in the front row, so when La Voix said lesbians didn’t like being called lesbians, I was like “Oh wow, where is she going with this…?”  Apparently they prefer the term vegans – oh how we all laughed as she went on to ask if any vegans were in the theatre tonight?!

The stage was simple and glitzy with an entrance tunnel and her four-piece band on stage supporting her as she performed a range of numbers. The strength and power in her voice had the theatre silent at points, because it was so powerful.

During the interval, it was good to gage reactions, raving about how fabulous she was, some almost shocked as they had no idea how good her vocals were. I enjoyed people watching, listening and absorbing the love for the show, for theatre.

The second half was more musical, including Judy Garland, Shirley Bassey and more. When she came out as Tina Turner, it was almost like she had a coat hanger inside her as she waddled on in the imitable Tina Turner style, and she nailed the look she was going for – everything just made us roar with laughter!

The encore was Total Eclipse of the Heart, which got everyone in the auditorium to their feet, but she did it in a way that got everyone up, even the shy people.

There definitely needs to be more drag in the world. In my opinion La Voix needs her own TV show, something we can tune into for our weekly fix of fabulousness.

No matter if you refer to yourself as she/her, they/them or if you’re still undecided – this is a show for everyone.

Thank you La Voix for another fabulous night. See you in panto land at the end of the year at Aylesbury Waterside Theatre.

Check out La Voix’s website for further details about her tour dates.


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